Section for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research of the Croatian Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, a society under the umbrella of Croatian Medical Association was founded in 2008 with the goal of promoting science and education in the field of pharmacoeconomics, health economics and outcomes research as well as assessing and developing methods for the evaluation of healthcare interventions and their impact on clinical and economical outcomes and reachable patient benefits. In addition, with its proactive work, the Section aims to positively influence changes of the local and regional legislation in the areas of primary focus of the Section and the relevant Society.

All activities that are undertaken by the Section are fully aligned with the goals and mission of the Croatian Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics as well as those of the Croatian Medical Association, and all are founded on non-profit principles and without any intention to gain profits or other assessable economic benefits.

Section is comprised of more than 30 members who have so far successfully organized eleven regional congresses and contributed to dozens of educational programs and professional publications as well as established active collaboration with respectable number of professional associations from the regional and EU countries (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Spain, France, etc.)

Mission: Improving patients’ health by using all available scientific resources and methods in the fields of pharmacoeconomics, health economics and outcomes research with the purpose of increasing the efficacy, effectiveness and equity of health care systems

Vision: We will become partners to healthcare professionals, Patients, Ministries of health, Health insurance funds and all other relevant stakeholders in Croatia and other countries in the region, especially those who are making decisions important for patients’ health, in all fields which are related to or can benefit from pharmacoeconomics, health economics and outcomes research.

Congress Co-Chairs

Zoltan Kalo, Hungary

Dinko Vitezić, Croatia                                                                                    

Congress SecretarySlobodanka Bolanča, Croatia
Congress Treasury Viktorija Erdeljić Turk, Croatia
Congress Organizing Committee

Andrej Belančić, Croatia

Tonći Buble, Croatia

Sandra Knežević, Croatia

Suzana Mimica, Croatia

Bertalan Nemeth, Hungary

Natalija Podjaveršek Petković, Slovenia

Janos Pitter, Hungary

Petra Verzun, Slovenia

Luka Vončina, Croatia

Congress Scientific Committee

Herbert Altmann, Germany

Marcin Czech, Poland

Jurij Furst, Slovenia

Slobodan Janković, Serbia

Robert Likić, Croatia

Guenka Petrova, Bulgaria

Svetoslav Tsenov, Bulgaria