12th Adriatic and 8th Croatian Congress of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research with focus on CEE
Dear Colleague,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 12th Adriatic and 8th Croatian Congress of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research with focus on CEE countries, which will be held at the conference centre of Hotel Excelsior in Lovran, Croatia, on April 18-20, 2024, and will be organized by the Section for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research of the Croatian Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Croatian Medical Association.
The main objective of this year’s congress is to intensify and enhance professional and scientific discussions and collaboration between various stakeholders on the following topic:
After several years during which we had been focusing to problem identification, assessment, and measurement, mostly around patient access and equity rights to innovation, and identifying the gaps to more developed EU countries, the main goal of past few congresses was to focus on finding solutions and this year’s congress will try to achieve the same goal.
During our 14 years journey, the knowledge, capacity, and experience of CEE countries to identify and implement solutions have improved, both at Academia and Government from one side to Health Technology Industry on the other side. Additionally, and most importantly, Patient’s capacity to be involved and consulted in this process have also significantly improved, so we believe all pre-requisites have now been met to start focusing on the implementation and monitoring of the optimal solutions across priority disease areas, for which we need all relevant stakeholders to be at the same table and working against the same, Patient Outcomes’ focused goals.
In addition to the main congress theme, these are the sub-topics of this year’s congress:
• Access to Innovation, Value, and Equity in Healthcare Decision Making
• Implementation Readiness for Emerging EU Legislation Changes
• Real World Data and Information Systems
• National Patient Access Policy Challenges
• Alternative Pricing Arrangements as an Opportunity for Broader Access to ATMPs
• Developing and Successfully Implementing Health Technology Management (HTM) Processes Following a Drug Reimbursement Decision.However, the full congress agenda will also comprise other important topics, such as development of healthcare policies, pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement, comparative efficacy studies, outcomes research, value of health and health interventions, and many others. Preliminary program is attached for your reference.
Our Congress has established itself as the forum (i) to share research and help advance the science of health economics within the Adriatic and CEE region, (ii) to give opportunity for networking and interacting, and (iii) to get involved in debating controversial and complex issues of the health care involving a range of stakeholders. We are proud that during the past 10 years our annual Congress has become a reference point in the field of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research in our region since we are not shying away from explicitly discussing pressing challenges, such as conditions of severe economic constraints within our jurisdictions.
We encourage your participation by submitting research podium and poster papers. As every year, we will organize several plenary sessions, round table discussion, issue panels, and research presentations.
It is important to note that we, as the organizers, will ensure participation of a wide range of stakeholders within the health care: the healthcare professionals (local, regional and international), members of academia, different associations, regulatory and payer authorities, politicians, and last but not least the pharmaceutical industry.
The overarching goal of the Congress is to advance public health care policies in order to maximize societal welfare and optimize diffusion of and access to innovative health care technologies, so that patients can reach their full life and health potential.
We are cordially looking forward to seeing you soon in Lovran, Croatia!
With kindest regards, and on behalf of Congress Organizing Committee,
Prof. Dinko Vitezić, MD, PhD |
Congress Chair
President, Section for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Reseach Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
Congress Technical Organizer:
OTOURS PCO d.o.o. (tatjana.koprtla@otours.hr), Zagreb, Croatia